terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012

Boas Festas! Boas Leituras!

Árvore de Natal construída pelas turmas, E do 5.º e 7.º anos
 no âmbito do projeto "Valores de futuro"

Boas Leituras!

Músicas de Natal

Entrámos no espírito Natalício e para a última semana de aulas selecionámos músicas de Natal,  afixámos as letras e durante os intervalos os alunos puderam ouvir as músicas e ficar a conhecer as suas letras.

Para relembrares as músicas, visita cada um destas ligações para o youtube:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aShUFAG_WgM          Bing Crosby - White Christmas

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gluh2xfndXg                Campana sobre campana

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf8db3Vz95I                 Celine Dion - So This Is Christmas

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjLynj1TWlU              Chanson - Petit Papa Noel - Bruxalda

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQaX20KvHNg           Simone - Então é Natal

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjIpjNevyYo         HACIA BELÉN VA UNA BURRA, RIN, RIN

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN4Uu0OlmTg        John Lennon - Happy Christmas War Is Over

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PceCrwmS2aQ              Mon beau sapin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH9XG-25v3E             Natal dos simples

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUNYhj-cku8                Operários do Natal - Os Pais

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Kk4RIdYZW8            Operários do Natal - Os Amigos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxjR8-pI_NI                 Roupa Nova - Natal Todo Dia

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtszN3TkQsI                When Christmas Comes To Town -The    Polar Express

Boas Leituras!

Cartões de Natal

As professoras de francês do 7.º ano propuseram aos alunos que fizessem cartões de Natal.

Os postais estiveram expostos no CRE e todos os alunos da escola foram convidados a votar no melhor postal.

Participaram na eleição 99 alunos e os três postais vencedores foram....

1.º lugar - 17 votos
Tatiana, 7.º A

2.º lugar - 16 votos
Frederico, 7.º B
3.º lugar - 12 votos
Constança, 7.º E

Parabéns aos vencedores!
Boas Leituras!

segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas story IV

Os alunos aderiram à proposta dos professores de Inglês e escreveram histórias de Natal.

Agora propomos-te o desafio de as ler!

The living-room is very messy
but the codfish is a delicacy,
that was made by grandmother
who knows the tastes of the children's father.
The tree is sparkling
and the kids are just asking
when Santa Claus appears,
because they want their presents for a good behaviour's year.
As the chimney was cleaned,
in a bag, lot of presents appeared.

Patrícia Ferreira 9ºE nº14

Boas Leituras!

Christmas story III

Os alunos aderiram à proposta dos professores de Inglês e escreveram histórias de Natal.

Agora propomos-te o desafio de as ler!

Oh Christmas!

Remember the time when we turned on the TV and our eyes started to glow from the excitement of the feeling that Christmas time was starting, the announcement of the new toys in the stores and the decoration of the malls. We were kids and the family got together for a night where 'Santa Claus' showed up in the living room and strangely looked like our fat uncle...But it was a night of joy!

You would go to see the lights and the big Christmas tree in Lisbon and eat some chestnuts. It was a cold period but that great feeling of happiness kept us warm. We got hundreds of presents and we decorated the Christmas tree and ate all of the Christmas goodies, it was amazing, wasn't it? It was, but this year it won’t happen for most of the Portuguese families. Last year was bad. Lisbon hasn’t had the famous tree that attracts many families. The country is in crises and it will get worse: unemployed people, lower salaries, prices getting higher, life getting harder, holidays are ending, they are taking everything, even Christmas...

The country is sinking and the best presents aren't toys anymore, but food on the table.

Oh, and me? I'm not even being affected by this but I look around and people are getting desperate and the future is not a bright image. Our future, spending years and years in school, giving everything we get and dedicating our life to this and what do we get for the effort? Unemployment and having to get out of the country because it's the only option, and guess what?

Who is writing this text is a 14-year-old girl, showing nowadays reality, which is sad, isn't it? It's life in Portugal, having to put away our ambitions because the people who “are taking care” of our country prefer not to be loyal to us and trap us.

The joy we had is gone, and yes, this was supposed to be a happy text about Christmas, but things don't always go like we want to and this may open some people’s eyes to start saving money for things that really matter.

I hope that some people would still feel the happiness from Christmas this year, but I know it will only be a few.

Catarina Colaço, Nº3 9ºE

Boas Leituras!

Christmas story II

Os alunos aderiram à proposta dos professores de Inglês e escreveram histórias de Natal.

Agora propomos-te o desafio de as ler!


A very long time ago a boy was poor and didn't have parents.

It was Christmas Eve and he didn't have anything to eat, so he went door to door asking for some food.

When he entered an old woman's house, she asked if he wanted to spend Christmas there.

He immediately said “yes”.

When Christmas Eve arrived, he went to the old woman's house and opened the door.

He saw a Christmas tree, all decorated, and he thought it was the best Christmas ever.

When he opened the gift she had bought him, he said "thank you mum".

And they spent the following Christmas together.


Filipe Mota, nº6, 9ºE
Boas Leituras!

Christmas story I

Os alunos aderiram à proposta dos professores de Inglês e escreveram histórias de Natal.

Agora propomos-te o desafio de as ler!

A Christmas Miracle

Once upon a time a poor girl, named Camilla, was writing a letter to Santa Claus asking for a few toys for Christmas, as a reward for her good behaviour during that year. She asked for a doll, a stuffed animal and some clothes given, that she couldn’t afford her own. She was very excited because she believed Santa could make her dreams come true, but there was a problem. The next day, when she was going to confirm that the letter had been taken by Santa, she noticed it was still there. She got so sad that she started crying. But, suddenly, she saw something near the letter. She got closer and saw it was a yellow leaflet. When she was going to throw it into the trash she realized it had something to do with Santa. As soon as she started reading it, she panicked. She couldn’t believe it! The leaflet said “Santa Claus is sick, so there are no Christmas presents this year”.

“What am I going to do?” she wondered. “What about the other children? They’re all going to be heartbroken!” yelled Camilla, worried about the rest of the world.

That night she heard a noise and she got up to see what was happening. When she realized what it was she couldn’t even breathe. It was an elf! An elf climbing to her neighbour’s chimney, probably to give him the same leaflet he had given her a night ago. She took a deep breath and called the elf. He started running away but she caught him just when he was about to reach his sleigh.

“Please don’t hurt me! I’m very fragile!” the little elf screamed, scared.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to know what happened to Santa. How is he?”
“He has the flu and he’s always with a terrible headache. I think he’ll get better soon but he won’t be able to deliver the presents as he has done all these years...” the elf said, very worried.

“I think I have an idea! The elfs and I could deliver the presents around the world, so Christmas didn’t need to be cancelled!” Camilla said, trying to keep her hopes up.

“Well... that’s actually a good idea...! But I don’t think Santa will agree. He likes to be in charge of everything, so he definitely won’t let us ride his sleigh around the world without him.”

“He doesn’t need to know...” Camilla said, looking shifty.

“Fine, you convinced me! Now I’m taking you to Santa’s factory, where the other elfs and I make the toys kids ask for.”

The factory was a very colourful place, full of toys and red wrapping paper.

“This is all very beautiful and magical, but where are the elfs?” the young girl asked, looking confused.

“They’re gone...”

“What?! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! How are we going to deliver all these toys without any helpers?” Camilla asked, more worried than ever.

“I don’t know. They must be taking care of Santa. I’ll call some of them to help us. Start wrapping some presents!” ordered the elf, finally gaining some hope.

An hour later the elf came back, but alone.

“Where are the others?”

“They’re not coming...”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean that we have to do this all by ourselves. You have only wrapped eleven toys? What’s wrong with you?” the elf asked, a bit angry.

“Well I’m sorry if I’m not good at this, but you’re the responsible! How could you come back without the others? Don’t you see this is an emergency?!”

And they argued for a long time...

“Did I fall asleep?” Camilla wondered, still a bit confused because of the fight she had had with the elf.

“Good morning! Did you sleep well?” the elf asked, in a very good mood.

“Elf! Is it morning already?!”

“Yes, and I have something to show you. Come here.”

The presents were all wrapped and ready to be distributed and there was a list with all the kids’ addresses. Everything was set and done for Christmas Eve.

“Oh my God! Did you do this?” Camilla asked, really surprised.

“Actually, I didn’t. When I woke up everything was already like this.”

“So... if it wasn’t you... it was a Christmas miracle!” the girl exclaimed, relieved and happy at the same time.

That same night Camilla and the elf travelled together all around the world and gave out all the presents. That was the best Christmas Eve ever.

Sofia Inês Palma, 9ºE, nº 16
Boas Leituras!

terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012

Receita de Natal Ucrâniana

Uma receita tradicional de Natal indicada pela aluna Anastasiya do 5ºA

«Charachi»                                              (para 4 pessoas)

Ingredientes:       ½ kg. de novilho ou porco (melhor)

                                   1+ ½ chávena de feijão branco demolhado

                                   3 cebolas médias

                                   6 batatas médias

                                   6 dentes de alho picados

                                   2 colheres de sopa de farinha

                                   2 colheres de sopa de manteiga

                                   150 gr. de polpa de tomate

                                   100 – 150 gr. de nata

                                   Sal, mistura de pimentas, louro, tomilho, salsa, endro

                                   Óleo para fritar

Preparação:               - Cortar a carne aos cubos médios

                                   - Cortar as batatas em cubos médios

                                   - Cozer feijão em água salgada

                                   - Picar as cebolas e alhos

                                   Fritar a carne em fogo forte até dourar bem, retirar

                                   - Fritar as batatas no mesmo óleo até dourar

                                   - Fritar as cebolas

À parte: juntar a farinha e manteiga e aquecer até fazer um creme amarelo-claro. Juntar a polpa de tomate, nata, alho picado, sal, pimenta, tomilho, salsa e endro.

-Num tacho de barro com tampa dispor a carne, cebola, batata, o feijão cozido e por fim o creme de tomate. Juntar uma folhar de louro

- pôr no forno a 180⁰ - 190⁰ durante 45 minuto
Nota: Não encher muito o tacho, porque na Ucrânia é servido em púcaros individuais

Boas Leituras!